unleash the powerhouse woman in you.

Stop and Listen to that whisper.

It is time to step into your mission.

ready to access your next level?

You can work with me in English, French, Dutch or Spanish


Access your pleasure, to access your power. Do you feel like you have a mission? Do you want to reach your FULL potential? Then this is for you.


From individual sessions to couples to corporate team building workshops: the Enneagram is a powerful tool to reach quick results, fast.



Reconnect to your roots and liberate yourself from the invisible bonds of transgenerational trauma. Group workshops and private 1-to-1 sessions.






healing women's confidence through sexuality

Did you know that a woman who is in touch with her body and her pleasure (sexual and non sexual) directly increases her creativity, her energy, her productivity and her self confidence?
Join me for an 8 week long initiation into Tantric Arts for women. In a series of videos + 4 x 1,5 hour long classes (LIVE and REPLAYS), I will teach you deeply life-changing knowledge and practises on how to connect to your pleasure, power and confidence. It’s time to ignite your radiance!

“If we surrendered

to earth’s intelligence

we could rise up rooted, like trees.”

— Rainer Maria Rilke


Hey gorgeous.

My name is Emilie. I’ve always felt I had a strong mission in this world and yet… I spent 30 years of my life being a good girl, rushing, stressing, and running behind myself. I thought that was necessary in order to accomplish the outer ‘success’ and freedom that would fulfill me. It was also the only ‘way’ I was taught, or rather modeled, to live life.

Turns out it is exactly the contrary. As a woman, you have access to extraordinary powers. That will support you in fulfilling your unique mission. Without stress, without hustle. With inspiration, creative juices flowing, tons of free time, and relaxation. But to access these powers, you need to be willing to let go of everything you’ve been taught, and live life in a radically different way. Out of the rat race, into a pleasure-led life. Out of the good girl, into the fierce woman.

My job is to guide you back to what is means to be a woman. How you can access your feminine powers - so that you step out of the rat race, and into a life of pleasure and passion.

I love you, and I see you. Now let’s get you back to your source, so you can rise up, rooted, and bring your gift to the world.

what I offer


unleash your potential

1:1 coaching

From the enneagram, to family constellations to giving you the full package on how to become that powerhouse woman deep down you know you are… I see you! Book a free discovery call, so I can get to know you, and vice versa, and we can see figure out if working together is a fit, and what exactly would support you the most.


InspirE your community

Public Speaking

From menstrual cycles to feminine leadership, I LOVE sharing all the ideas that set me on fire. Want an inspirational transmission on your event / course / platform? Let’s chat! I deliver talks in English, French, Dutch, Spanish & German.


RisE together

Retreats & PROGRAMS

There is nothing as powerful as the energy of the group! I regularly organise live retreats and online journeys. Next one up is The Woman’s Way, a powerful 3-month online journey that will change the way you live you forever. Ready to step into your power? Follow the nudges, babe!





healing women's confidence through sexuality

Did you know that a woman who is in touch with her body and her pleasure (sexual and non sexual) directly increases her creativity, her energy, her productivity and her self confidence?
Join me for an 8 week long initiation into Tantric Arts for women. In a series of videos + 4 x 1,5 hour long classes (LIVE and REPLAYS), I will teach you deeply life-changing knowledge and practises on how to connect to your pleasure, power and confidence. It’s time to ignite your radiance!

walk Your path

Get inspired on the ‘gram